Delasalle Delights
Oy Veys Mom
S2 E8 Gila had a cocktail when Iran said "Hello"

S2 E8 Gila had a cocktail when Iran said "Hello"

And she'd do it again.

Miriam speaks with writer Gila Green, who’s upcoming book With a Good Eye is available wherever you buy books in the USA and Canada, and for Israelis on Amazon. We sit in her home in Beit Shemesh to talk books, writing, war, and more.

As much as we discussed during our chat, it is only the tip of the iceberg about What Gila is up to. Please visit Gila’s website to learn more about her past work, current projects, and what’s coming next.

Join us for answers to these big questions:

  • Why can’t you heal your mind with your mind?

  • Do little kids get more fun when they grow up? [Asking for a friend]

  • Should we blame old school journalism for today’s social media algorithm? [Probably not]

  • Is News before the internet : News after the internet :: Network news before October 7th : Podcasts after October 7th?

  • What does Israeli Unity look like?

  • What did Gila have for dinner?!

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Instagram: @oyveysmom



Twitter / X : @mirioftheroom1

Youtube: @oyveysmom600

Music: Samovar Party by Shane Ivers -

Produced by Delasalle Creative

Discussion about this podcast

Delasalle Delights
Oy Veys Mom
Life in Israel, as told by someone's Mom.
Please join the conversation at:
Instagram: @oyveysmom
Twitter / X : @mirioftheroom1
Youtube: @oyveysmom600
Produced by Olivier Delasalle of Delasalle Creative